the sleepy strange, 08.26.06
ride vapour trailchapterhouse pearlthe verve butterflytrash can sinatras thrupenny tearsblur she's so highcharlatans feel flowsstone roses standing hereadorable homeboysuede the drownersroxy music love is the drughouse of love shine onpulp babiespulp she's a ladythe smiths oscillate wild(e)lymorrissey every day is like sundaythe innocence mission follow methe sundays i wonmorrissey alsatian cousinprefab sprout when love breaks downjames sit downthe beautiful south 36Dthe smiths unloveablethe housemartins get up off your kneesthe syle council my ever changing moodspulp like a friendcharlatans opportunity 3chapterhouse mesmerize
my conception of this blog has started to morph a bit. i started it as a reno blog, to document the progress on our house. but it quickly became more of a general blog as the work on our house became more sparse and stressful. now i'm starting to think of bookerstreet as something of a
scrap book. (as much as i hate that term, i can't seem to come up with a better way to describe what i mean.) commonplace book.

so today, in keeping with the scrap book theme, i feel i must post this image. i found it via designsponge, who in turn found it at print&pattern. it's a postcard by mocchi mocchi, and i adore the graphic. i hope it makes you as happy as it makes me!
Colocasia esculenta
these are my (elephant) ears. they make me giddy with joy every time i stumble onto the porch.
the sleepy strange, 08.12.06
what is it about
saturdays and weather changes
that make me sniffly?
(an almost haiku for today)
japancakes "and begun" from belmondo
mountain goats "in corolla" from get lonely
six organs of admittance "bless your blood" from the sun awakens
kingsbury manx "let you down" from let you down
ida "dream date" from ten small paces
japancakes "theme from a film" from belmondo
kings of convenience "the weight of my words" from quiet is the new loud
alexi murdoch "song for you" from time without consequence
jose gonzalez "heartbeats" from veneer
regina spektor "fidelity" from begin to hope
jennifer o'connor "exeter, rhode island" from over the mountain
cassavetes "my heart, your beat" from funny story
spoon "i could see the dude" from soft effects
japancakes "always stuck with leaving" from belmondo
venice is sinking "CSX" from sorry about the flowers
the white birch "your spain" from come up for air
lambchop "i would have waited here all day" from damaged
micah p. hinson "the dreams you left behind" from the baby & the satellite
m.ward "post-war" from post-war
bonnie prince billy "cursed sleep" from then the letting go
blood meridian "good lover" from kick up the dust
norfolk & western "porch destruction" from a gilded age
the long winters "hindsight" from putting the days to bed
bears "walk away" from s/t
headlights "on your old street" from kill them with kindness
hylozoists "la fin du monde" from la fin du monde
it's never over at the yard

i spent the past weekend in baltimore - my new favorite city. i saw two games of the o's v. white sox series, received minor contusions from a major league foul ball (which is now mine); saw the police station where homicide: life on the street was set, ate brunch at the waterfront hotel (also known as the WTF Hotel, and another locale for homicide), and generally had a fantastic weekend exploring the clipper city. for some reason i didnt take any pics of the city or the waterfront - just the games. so here ya go:

this is the guy who fouled at me, ross gload. he hit a grand slam in friday night's sox win.

sunday's home run by jermaine dye. he hit one in saturday's game too.

and finally, me, intently watching the sox die a slow death on the last day of the series.