the best things are the most challenging

raising a brody is the most difficult endeavor i have ever undertaken, but man, he's a good snuggler.
Labels: chief brody, daily musing
why is it that when i browse ebay for that thing, that one thing, that i must have right this instant, there are 65 other people who want it too? and i thought i was unique.
Labels: daily musing
condie rice
when condoleeza rice make and unannounced visit--say, to iraq--does she worry that no one will be home to meet her?
Labels: daily musing
small wonders
today i broke a nail. believe it or not, this has never happened to me before. damn it. it was just getting long enough to HURT!!!!!
toast with butter and preserves is my new favorite food. as a result, butter has become the new favorite food of the canine member of my household. everytime he hears the oven door open (no, i dont have a toaster) he comes a runnin!