
5 am and other musings

i am awakened at 5 am almost every morning. this is certainly the result of two external factors and perhaps one internal factor. the two external factors are that our neighbor across the street leaves for work at 5 am and roars up the street as if in a hurry to get there. maybe he’s late, or maybe he’s really pissed that he has to leave for work so early! the other external factor is far more pleasant and i will never complain of it. my dear, sweetest kitty, paisley, only wants to be loved at 5 am. she kneads and purrs herself up from the foot of the bed all the way to my pillow in search of sweet caresses. these i am more than happy to give her. she really only needs about 5 minutes of love, so i could potentially fall back asleep easily, but usually i don’t. this leads me to believe there may be something internally that is encouraging me to rise at 5. it usually takes me at least an hour to fall back asleep. during that hour my mind is sharp and i come up with so many smart ideas. but it’s hard to wrestle myself from the bed - it’s so snuggly - so i eventually fall back to sleep and then i’m out until at least 8. when i wake at 8 i feel like crap. this leads me to believe that i should really only allow myself 6 hours of sleep a night - rather than the 8-9 hours to which i have grown more accustomed. if only i could get out of bed at 5. it’s really not the waking that is hard to do (except at 8am), it’s the getting out of bed. would a ready pot of coffee help? what would i do between 5 and 8? perhaps i should subscribe to the paper? maybe once i start commuting, i could really get a jump on the day? perhaps when the sun rises earlier i could sit in the garden.

speaking of the garden, and by extension it’s revenge, my poison ivy is only slowly fading. i do think that yesterday was the last of the new spots, so hopefully it will all begin to clear up. i still can’t identify the vine in the garden so i’m faced with a weekend of yard work covered from head to toe. this does not excite me!

i am excited about building a compost bin, though!

the cherry trees are in full flower now and the apples are beginning to leaf out and bud up. i’m due for flora pt. 2 and hope to get to it this afternoon!
i tried to post an earlier iteration of this on blogger about 5 minutes ago and it ate it. it’s unfortunate that blogger is really sapping any motivation to blog lately. i did just notice the recover post button - is that new, i wonder?


At 3:27 PM, April 08, 2005, Blogger ecm said...

drexciya does the same thing, always at like 4:30 or 5am. there's no kneading though, it's more like, put her mouth right next to my face and then MEOW really loudly until i wake up. it's really sweet though.

At 2:01 AM, April 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a documentary on television a few years ago that suggested that sleeping patterns were hereditary. Strongest evidence was a family who, as a unit, had the strangest sleeping regimen most of us could imagine (something like going to sleep at 6 pm and getting up at 2 am). It is possible that the cat is responding to your awakeness, rather than you to the cat.

At 8:30 AM, April 12, 2005, Blogger Shumai Rodri said...

You could do yoga at 5 and then drink coffee. Our PBS station has all the good documentaries that they show at 9:00 or 10:00pm on at 5:00am too. I watch about two a week. I love 5:00am. I think it's easier to get up early when it's warm too.


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