
so sad

i feel so overwhelmed by sadness for what has happened on the gulf coast. i'm not really sure how to process my feelings.

i am surprised at how significant the damage is.

i'm shocked at how little i am hearing about collecting/sending aid to the region. countries around the world rushed to mobilize assistance for tsunami victims. but now, in the midst of our own disaster of (what i see to be) comparable magnitude, is no one rushing to help us?

i am appalled at the violence being carried out by people still in the city. steal food if you have to - that can't even be considered stealing. but don't steal guns, ammunition, and electronics, or shoot those who are trying to keep you from doing so. sure tradgedy brings out the best and worst in people, but senseless violence like this is simply unfathomable.

is there anything anyone can do to help? will my meager donation to the red cross help in any way? it sure seems unlikely.

we cancelled our cable on saturday, right before the storm hit. i am thankful that i can not watch video of the recovery on cnn 24/7.

gas was 85 cents when i first started driving, and i was shocked when it passed 1 dollar. a gallon of gas for three dollars was never even in my imagination. not to mention the skyrocketing price of natural gas - i think it'll be pretty cold in my house this winter.

where will all the residents of gulf coast towns resettle? how could they even conceive of returning.?

what happened to all the pets? this might make me more sad than anything else. they are so helpless.


At 4:51 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger ecm said...

ok, i second all of the feelings in your post, absolutely. but your last point, well, it echoes exactly what i was thinking, too. i was afraid it was too trivial in the face of everything else, but it's still important to me and something that has been on my mind a lot. i can't imagine leaving my house without my pet, knowing full well that they probably won't make it - but i'm sure that's what SO many people had to do - to think of the sheer number of cats and dogs, well, i get overwhelmed....it's just another layer of sad, sad stuff.
good post.

At 5:59 AM, September 04, 2005, Blogger David Nichols said...

You should at least change your 'now I'm just bored' to 'now I'm just sad'.

I have been fighting the urge to editorialise on this all day... but... surely the chickens are coming home to roost for Bush on this one... the fact that the vast majority of people left in the area of New Orleans for instance are African-Americans who couldn't leave before the hurricane... it's a disgusting shame... and of course I along with a billion other people around the world are wondering why every time there's some emergency Bush always seems to be cutting his vacation short to attend to it (I notice his 'visit' to N.O. was to fly over it). I suppose we should be grateful he is so often holidaying, since when he starts doing things, he makes everything worse. Anyway that's my 2c, and this is probably not the place to be expressing these rather hackeyed opinions anyway. But I agree. It's ghastly what's happening there.


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