
my life as list.

i don't know that i can write narratives anymore. it feels like i am writing for others and i don't think that i am.

i have the new spoon record, thank you dominic. holy shit, it's awesome.
have i ever said that i LOVE this band? i also love dominic for giving me a copy, although selfishly i wish he would have given me the original.

i know, i am selfish.

when i drove to my first day of work on friday i paid $2.05 for gas. i have never paid so much for gas. i also had to pay for parking.

my first day of work on friday was odd. i think i will love it if i can just get over my apprehensions.

i sequenced my first publication for my new job on friday. it's called on wall street and should be out in spring 2006. check it!

i saw numerous large black spiders in my garden this weekend. this discourages my desire to garden. i have not been able to identify them yet and looking at the websites makes me almost as nauseated as seeing them in the garden. ugh.

i love the new new wave.

we are now a one car family.

saturday i helped out with VAFB (virginia festival of the book). i left with these impressions: publishing professionals are not very nice and writers are whiny. why am i in publishing? hmm, good question.

sunday i read this in the Washington Post. i think everyone should read it, and it's predecessor.

christ, the new spoon album is GENIUS!


At 6:49 PM, March 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its predecessor, not its.
The Federal Bureau of Internet Punctuation has you number 217 on its list - will probably get to you on this matter in a couple of days.

At 6:50 PM, March 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant to write "a couple fo days".


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