
flora pt. 2

time now for flora pt. 2, the cherry blossom time. the cherry trees all over town are completely bloomed out, like huge clouds of fluffy white goodness on dark brown/black trunks. i believe most of the cherries in town to be yoshino cherries. there are many trees in the vicinity of my house so many cars are now cloaked in the falling white petals of the blossoms. the bark of the cherries is remarkablesmooth and polished looking. often two cherries are top grafted together to make a more hardy tree with stronger roots. these usually end up looking like mops - completely unnatural.

the cherries bloom out before getting their leaves, thus the cloud comparison. this is unlike the flowering crab apples which grow leaves and flowers almost simultaneously. their color is just starting to show.

the apples are my favorites of the two, due to the variety and range of pink to red hues of the blooms and the combination of the blooms with the leaves. additionally the trunks and bark of the crab apples are very gnarly and twisted. i think these trees have much more personality than the cherries. they are certainly a lot more underrated than the cherries.

(i am not sure why i can't find an agricultural extension website for virginia gardens and varieties of plants. it seems a shame to highlight websites from other states.)


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