
reading is fundamental

i know this to be true, as reading regularly makes me feel smarter, wittier and, overall, more fulfilled. however, i have been in a literary slump lately and very discouraged at not finding a work of fiction that engages me. nothing, nada, zip. i can't seem to get engaged in anything. not even moby dick - which was recommded to me as a great and engaging read. it's even written in the first person which is almost a must for me. my copy of the whale is even illustrated!
what is my problem?
so last night i went to the local non-local bookstore to browse, hoping to find something intriguing. well - really i went to read the interview with britt daniel in the new filter mag. (holy crap he is the hottest man on the planet.) so i thought the least i could do is peruse the shelves. i have been pretty consumed lately with thoughts of gentrification, so i wandered over to the cultural studies section. well there was little that grabbed my attention regarding gentrification, but...there was this beautiful, shockingly white spine of a dust jacket stamped HIP: The History (link to local non-local bookstore referenced above). "hmmm," I thought to myself, "this looks interesting," and i grabbed it. the cover was even more strikingly beautiful and thus i opened it and found a very interesting table of contents. now i don't usually go buying hardcover books on just anything - only industrial photography and railroad history! - but this was a copy from the first printing of the first edition. not to mention gorgeous and timely. while i have been lamenting the use of the words hipster and hip recently i am certainly nonetheless intrigued by notions of hip and, by extension, subcultural manifestations of it. so what could i do - i had to buy it! i found myself utterly captivated by the preface! hallelujah - finally something to read.
on another reading related note: i have recently been reading/recording for RFB&D (recording for the blind and dyslexic). this week i have logged my first two hours. figures that the story i would randomly pick (without knowing it's subject) would be the most dirty and blush-causing short story printed in the Norton Anthology! in case you're intrigued, it's called Breasts and it is also available in this collection. holy crap! it's a good thing i am an iota (and really only an iota) more mature than a 7th grader or i would be paralysed by giggles. what must the blind or dyslexic listener be thinking when he or she is listening to stories such as these? lordy. i will forever be immortalised on cd as the reader of Breasts.


At 7:48 PM, April 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you knew its title - did that perhaps give you a hint about its subject?


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