
knowing is half the battle

friends, i have a problem. i am addicted to furnishing. i love furniture. i covet chairs, couches, lamps, tables and art. seriously, this is turning into an obsession. i visit the local overpriced junk store every weekend and find a new treasure that i want to rescue from its retail hell and give it a good home on booker street. currently, i am the high bidder on a mid century slat bench for our entry. i should not even be considering purchasing this piece, but i bid on it anyway because i was compelled to have it. that's an addiction isn't it - when you can't control yourself. the bench longs to be in my home, i know it, and i long to enter my home and close the door and sit on it to remove my shoes and don slippers.
(for god's sake, you can't wear shoes on our new floor. heathen, what are you thinking?)

often when i fall in love with a piece i'll scheme to get a friend to buy it. that way, i'll know it has a good home and be able to visit it often. this has actually worked and i'm pleased to say, the pieces have a good home and look fabulous!

perhaps, in addition to my new calling as a men's stylist, i should also take up interior design. i'd be so good at both and have a way to deal positively with my addiction.


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