
updating classic america

dear unfailing supporters,
today i mailed my proposal for Foursquare: Design Ideas for Renovating, Remodeling, and Building New to taunton press. holy shit, i finally did it.

allow me a brief moment of self deprecation because i am worried i may be a little too late. maybe they may have already begun this book with someone else - afterall, i did send my original email proposal last august. ugh, i will be devastated if someone else gets to write this book.

you might be wondering, "what was the impetus to finally send off the proposal?" well, if you'll indulge me a brief moment of bragging, i will tell you that yours truly has recently been published. i was asked to write the afterword for a collection of photographs by William Frederking of his home, a foursquare, in oak park illinois. realising that this had finally come out and that i am mentioned on the cover of the book gave me a little confidence to send in my proposal.

so we'll see. i hope to at least receive an acknowledgment of receipt of my proposal. best case scenario is that i'll get a book deal. holy shit, book deal.

thanks for all your encouragement, pals.

hip to be square


At 9:27 PM, January 10, 2006, Blogger ecm said...

you are a star.


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