

i had the sweetest interaction with a guy at the gap last night. i was buying a number of these practically boring camisoles and he commented that i must be stocking up. to which i self-conciously replied " why yes i am," thinking that he was going to leave the small talk at that. but instead he continued to engage me about my purchase. so i told him how great they are as bra alternatives and how these particular camisoles are a perfect fit for me because they are actually long enough to fit my torso. and he was like, "yeah, and if you get hot then you have a lighter shirt to wear." he was so cute and sweet, and i am sure not gay. gay boys flirt all the time. he was not an experienced flirter, but nonetheless, what a sophisticated flirter - to engage a girl about her purchase and make her feel that she is so smart for making it. and executed in such a way... he made me smile. in an otherwise vapid environment that is the gap i was thrilled. not only with my purchase but with my flirting salesman.
i also bought cute new shoes... happy birthday to me!


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