
reflections on blogging

so having blogged now for a week or so - or has it been two weeks - i must take a moment to reflect. this is prompted by shumai's comment that she likes my blog because she can learn things about me that she wouldn't think to ask.
i like blogging. i think it is a valuable exercise for someone like myself who often questions whether or not to offer certain thoughts, and, as a result, feels burdened by those thoughts piling up in her head. i always feel overwhelmed by the constant noise of my voice in my head. i must preface every comment i make outloud with the words "i wonder..." or "why do you think...," and the number of comments i make outloud is far fewer than the ones that go though my head.
so as an exercise in self-reflection, i think blogging is great. with that said, i feel terribly self concious of my blog and haven't recorded nearly as much as i thought i would. maybe that is a result of having given my blog address out... too late now, i suppose.
did you know that world trade center towers were the first buildings in NYC to surpass the empire state building, which was erected almost three decades prior to them? a piece of architectural history trivia for you. it will be nice to work in my field again - not that i particularly care about the trivia - but i do find buildings endlessly interesting.
shumai responded to my accent comments that she now thinks the working-class boston accent sounds much less cultivated than a southern accent. i don't know if i disagree or agree, perhaps because i have not transplanted myself from the south to north. i do know that i think northerners in general sound very coarse. don't get me wrong, i appreciate someone who is direct and succinct when making a point. but i think northerners have not perfected the art of communicating that way with grace and tact. they just sound coarse and rude. and that opinion is not based on any stereotype of northerners, but on my personal impressions.
i am nothing, if not opinionated.
i have a friend who is saving his pepsi caps with free ipod songs for me and one that he just gave me has the code rubbed out. lame. he drinks a lot of pepsi...


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