
post #100

what a milestone - this is post # 100 for booker street. funny that it won't be related to home improvement, as that's what this blog was really intended for. i think it has morphed over the course of the last year into more of a way to keep you guys - my favorite guys - in the loop. i tend to keep my thoughts to myself and am not very good at volunteering them. having this blog allows me to dump them all out and sort through in a way that i wouldn't normally. maybe i should rename it "booker street sees a therapist"? i digress...

i do have a new job now - although it is a job i was slightly ambivalent about when i applied. it's far from my dream job, but i do think it will be rewarding. it will at least get me out of the job that i currently hate and into a new experience.

speaking of dream jobs: i've been thinking alot about this subject lately. i feel decidedly depressed about my career and the reason why is that i see myself drfting further and further away from that career-place where i envisioned myself at 30. (no, i am not yet 30 - i'm almost 29 - but really, what's the diff?) the longer i stay in legal publishing (almost 3 years now) the further i get from humanities publishing and the least likely i am to be a strong candidate for any humanities position for which i might apply. sure i can keep my feet wet, but only be volunteering my free time for free - and while that doesn't seem all that bad, it hasn't really been working out. i have literally been volunteering my life away. i used to scoff at my dad when he would say "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" but he was right. (he's usually right, but that's a different story!) i have been taken advantage of over and over, and the *experience* i have gained has only served to make me more and more skeptical of people and their motives, and my career prospects.

i keep asking myself, is it wrong to have a job for which you are not passionate, but that pays the bills and allows you to live a comfortable life. i REALLY wanto to convince myself that yes, it is OK, that a person is not defined by his or her work. but honestly, i don't feel OK about it. everyone around me works in the field of their choice, even dj husband. and he didn't even try to get the job of his dreams - it was practically handed to him on a silver platter (i am only slightly resentful). and i have worked so damn hard to figure out what i want to do and how to achieve it and i can't even get spit on.

so what do you guys think about all this. you are what you do, or do you do what you can? obviously you do what you can cos you have to, but when do you give up looking for that dream job?


At 9:18 AM, January 25, 2006, Blogger Shumai Rodri said...

I think you are what you do, you just might not be the thing you do for the 8 hours a day you spend at work. And, I don't think you should ever stop looking/ planning for something that makes those 8 hours worth spending.

You didn't tell us what your new job is.

At 4:30 PM, January 25, 2006, Blogger bls said...

it's nothing special and no longer in editorial. very specific to this company.

(i hate these damn word verifications!)

At 7:05 AM, January 30, 2006, Blogger David Nichols said...

You are so obviously incredibly capable, I can't imagine why you haven't been snapped up in the area you really want to be in. Congratulations on post #100. I have always had a good time reading this blog!

At 11:23 PM, February 08, 2006, Blogger ecm said...

i hope you aren't planning to stop posting after #100!


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