friday random 10

ok here's another. i quite like this exercise, although today mr. ipod let me down. this is a very disappointing random 10, if you ask me, especially considering all the new stuff i filled mr. ipod's belly with! hope next week is better.
i’ll be your mirror, velvet underground from rock and roll
bleeding powers, ted leo and the pharmacists from shake the sheets
world, new order from the best of new order
leif erikson, interpol from turn on the bright lights
nytol, the reindeer section from y’all get scared now…
winter ’68, the black angels from the black angels EP
halfway to a threeway, jim o’rourke from halfway to a threeway
clap your hands!, clap your hands say yeah from clap your hands say yeah
time trap, built to spill from keep it like a secret
someone something, spoon from kill the moonlight
as for aerial pink - not sure, david, i know they are fairly popular at WTJU but i haven't listened to it. i hope you liked the pink mountaintops - i love them!
tomorrow is
don't mess with texas for the 2006 WTJU spring fund drive. hope you'll tune in. you can listen on the web at you can also pledge on-line if you're so inclined. you're sure to hear both spoon and the black angels.
friday random 10
here's my friday random 10
( i love posts that i don't have to generate myself - thank you mr. ipod!)
1. Can you do that dance?, Pink Mountaintops from s/t
2. Fuck this…I’m leaving, American Analog Set from “Set Free”
3. Film School, Film School from s/t release
4. Just when you thought it was safe, Leaders of the New School from
“A Future without a Past...
5. Romantic Rights (The Phones Lovers Remix), Death from Above 1979 from
“Romance Bloody Romance”
6. Someone Something, Spoon from “Kill the Moonlight”
7. Daft Punk is playing at my house, LCD Soundsystem from s/t
8. Manipulation, the Black Angels from Passover
9. Festival of Grot, Nethers from In Fields We Will Lie
10. Chicago, Bis from Return to Central
fave song: tie between Festival of Grot and Manipulation
fave record from the list: Kill the Moonlight
least fave song: Romantic Rights it's not my fave remix of that song)
least fave record: i love them all
happy birthday to me!
wow - i have been spoiling myself - in honor of the 29th anniversary of me (well, not quite yet)! first thing this am i received a notice from that they had two copies of the rare and out-of-print spoon ep, soft effects, which i have coveted now for many, many years. years ago i set up this notify thingy with gemm to let me know when one of their suppliers had the record on hand. since i set that notify thingy up forever ago, i have only received one notice prior to that which i received this morning. that first one was snatched up so quickly - obviously by someone else who had the notify thingy set up - that i didn't even have a chance to get my greedy little mitts on it! but i got this one, by golly, from the same source that dj husband found my bright yellow, and scary, copy of telephono. my spoon collection is virtually complete! i even have a copy of the golden millenium 7" - not sure if i boasted about that one after i got back from SF last year... i know, i know, this obsession is a bit excessive, but it's one of the few obsessions i do have, so indulge me a bit, will ya?
anyway, as for the spoiling, i also treated myself to some minor sartorial indulgences, which was nice. and i did need them, for sure. funding for that came from a bit of unexpected compensation for my first publication, which is available now. i am so proud of it. and what's even better is that i have been asked to speak about it at a local architecture week event! not sure how i'll pull that off - the fear of it makes me want to barf. well, i'll cross that bridge when i come to it, i guess. for now the pride and satisfaction of seeing my words in print is enough!and that's enough for now. more soon!
in the crapper

toilet #2, fully repaired. i am no plumber (maybe i'm well on my way), but even i know that you have to use non-corrosive metals for assembling the toilet. whatever f-ing moron installed the two comodes in my abode used plain old steel and they corroded. imagine that. not only did they corrode, they corroded to the point that no amount of strength or will would pry them loose. i finally had to use the reciprocating saw to saw the last bolt off. in case you're not familiar with a reciprocating saw, or. more colloquilally, a "sawzall," have a look at
this thing. it is not an easy tool to use, especially when you're trying to saw through steel. but, by god, i got that damn bolt out of the toilet and reinstalled it properly. toilet #2 ready for you!
i also hung a snazzy metal shelf in that bathroom for my plants and other tschotskes.
in garden-related news, i transplanted numerous baby clematis along the front fenceline, raked many barrow loads of leaves, and mulched the front beds. we are desperately in need of rain around here and the 80 degree temps this weekend were not pleasant.
more trim has been put up and the living room is well on its way to completion. just a few more trim pieces to go up and painting.
guess that's about it for this update. more to come hopefully. in anniversary-related news, i think this blog has just passed its one year mark. happy birthday booker street.
not quite a month
it's not been quite a month, has it? really? well it's been a busy month that's for sure. right now i'm in the refridgerator (really the office) at WTJU trying like crazy to stay awake for an 11-1 am slot. third week in a row i've filled in for those slackers and it's catching up to me. now i remember why i prefer making the station run to hosting a regular show. but it's been fun, i can't deny. i do love a good radio show and i can program one, if i do say so myself. this will have to be my last until the upcoming fundraiser in which i'll host "don't mess with texas" a show featuring all that is redeeming about texas (rock). this should be a fun marathon, i think. god damn it better be - it's been hell to program.
my new job is both fun and challenging, which is a nice diversion. i'm still on the fence as to deciding if it was the best career move, but at this point there is no sense in revisiting the decision.
my first publication has hit the bookstore shelves. if you google my name you can find a link to it. the book is very nice looking, and i am pleased with the way my afterword is presented. and, it's pretty cool to see your name on a title page. i guess dj bacon fat beat me to it, but that's ok. he deserves the fame more than i do.
got to go get on the air now. just finished watching "how to succeed in business without even trying." netflix it - you won't be sorry!