in the crapper

toilet #2, fully repaired. i am no plumber (maybe i'm well on my way), but even i know that you have to use non-corrosive metals for assembling the toilet. whatever f-ing moron installed the two comodes in my abode used plain old steel and they corroded. imagine that. not only did they corrode, they corroded to the point that no amount of strength or will would pry them loose. i finally had to use the reciprocating saw to saw the last bolt off. in case you're not familiar with a reciprocating saw, or. more colloquilally, a "sawzall," have a look at
this thing. it is not an easy tool to use, especially when you're trying to saw through steel. but, by god, i got that damn bolt out of the toilet and reinstalled it properly. toilet #2 ready for you!
i also hung a snazzy metal shelf in that bathroom for my plants and other tschotskes.
in garden-related news, i transplanted numerous baby clematis along the front fenceline, raked many barrow loads of leaves, and mulched the front beds. we are desperately in need of rain around here and the 80 degree temps this weekend were not pleasant.
more trim has been put up and the living room is well on its way to completion. just a few more trim pieces to go up and painting.
guess that's about it for this update. more to come hopefully. in anniversary-related news, i think this blog has just passed its one year mark. happy birthday booker street.
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