post 101

miss petite pomme had to remind me to post in my blog. i was wondering what to do with myself today and totally didnt even consider posting. duh. what's wrong with me!
happy post 101 to me.
the forsythia is blooming and the bulbs had started to shoot up and now it is FREEZING outside. we're supposed to have a big snow this weekend. blech. winter blows...snow! ha! no really, winter really blows.
last night i saw nada surf - what a great show! i love them. i am not ashamed! i love power pop!rogue wave opened and i wasn't all that impressed. the king of france opened for rogue wave, and i did like them. god i had to saty up so late and that was miserable. and also it was miserable that it was such a fratty scene. ugh - the worst part of living in a college town is the fratties! the many amenities hardly make up for that!
am going to be on the radio tomorrow night. that'll be fun. haven't broadcasted in a long time!
have no idea what i'll play - we'll see.
new job is ok. a little slow to get started but i think it'll shape up soon!
that's all for now!
It's been a month. Admittedly the shortest month of the year, but still a month nevertheless...!!!???
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